Date of UPLOAD : 29-08-2023
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket Clothing for its State Teams for the season 2024-25 Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in sealed envelope along with samples through courier or through its representative on 07.09.2024 at RCA Academy, SMS Stadium Jaipur.
For more details, Download Cricket Clothing Details - Click here
Convenor - Ad-hoc Committee
Rajasthan Cricket Association Jaipur
Date of UPLOAD : 18-08-2023
Revised Time Line
Event | Previous Date | Revised Dates |
Tender Issuance | 12.08.2023 | 12.08.2023 |
Clarifications Regarding the Bid | 18.08.2023 Till 1400 Hrs. | 19.08.2023 Till 1400 Hrs. |
Purchase of tender | 19.08.2023 Till 1430 Hrs. | 21.08.2023 Till 1430 Hrs. |
Submission of Tender | 19.08.2023 Till 1800 Hrs. | 21.08.2023 Till 1800 Hrs. |
Opening of bid | 19.08.2023 Till 1830 Hrs. | 21.08.2023 Till 1830 Hrs |
To Download CORRIGENDUM NIT-06/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of UPLOAD : 14-08-2023
The Rajasthan Cricket Association ("RCA"), a registered society under the Rajasthan Sports Act, 2005, is actively promoting the development of cricket
within the state. In alignment with the BCCI's initiative to encourage state level cricket premier leagues, the RCA is proudly organizing the Rajasthan
Premier League (RPL).
This Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) serves as an official invitation to potential Bidders, outlining the terms and conditions presented herein for Sponsorship and Advertisement opportunities. It is important to note that the RCA's decisions in this regard are deemed final, and the RCA reserves the right to reject any prospective bid or tender without obligation to provide reasons for such action. Any interested Agency (hereinafter referred to as "Bidder," encompassing firms, LLPs, partnerships, incorporated companies, or their subsidiaries) may obtain this NIT at the cost of Rs. 50,000/- plus GST (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only). The payment can be made through a Demand Draft or Transfer.
The Rajasthan Premier League is scheduled to take place between 27th August and 10th September 2023. The matches are planned to be held at the Baraktullah Khan Stadium in Jodhpur and the SMS Stadium in Jaipur. It is imperative to acknowledge that the match schedule is subject to change based on the sole directives of the RCA.
The tenure of the selected bidder will encompass the scheduled matches occurring between 27th August and 10th September 2023. It is essential to recognize that match dates may be altered at the sole discretion of the RCA.
Certain important deadlines/ timelines in relation to this NIT are as follows:
Time Line
Event Dates | Dates |
Tender Issuance | 12.08.2023 |
Clarification Regarding the Bid | 18.08.2023 Till 1400 Hrs. |
Purchase of tender | 19.08.2023 Till 1430 Hrs. |
Submission of Tender | 19.08.2023 Till 1800 Hrs |
Opening of bid | 19.08.2023 At 1830 Hrs. |
To Download Notice Inviting Tender NIT-06/2023-24 (Click here)
To Download Schedule of Rajasthan Premier League (RPL) (Click here)
For any clarification bidder may e-mail to : cricketoperations.rca@gmail.com
Account Number | 0221000102742845 |
Name of Bank | Punjab National Bank |
Branch Address | LCB, M.I. Road, Jaipur |
IFSC CODE | PUNB0022100 |
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of UPLOAD : 14-08-2023
The Rajasthan Cricket Association (“RCA”) is a society registered under the Rajasthan Sports Act, 2005. The BCCI is encouraging the respective states to conduct their own cricket premier leagues and thus Rajasthan Cricket Association (‘’RCA’’) is conducting the Rajasthan Premier League (RPL).
This NIT constitutes an invitation to tender the Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this NIT for organizing Rajasthan Premier League. However, RCA reserves the right to choose the bid/tender, it deems the best suitable. The decision of the RCA shall be final and the prospective bid/tender can be rejected at any time without assigning any reason. Any Media, Broadcast and Live Streaming Video Production Management Company (“Company” shall mean and include firm, LLP, Partnership and Company incorporated or its subsidiary thereof) may buy this NIT at the price of Rs. 50,000/- + GST (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only.) which shall be deposited through Demand Draft/Transfer
Certain important deadlines/ timelines in relation to this NIT are as follows:
Time Line
Event Dates | Dates |
Tender Issuance | 12.08.2023 |
Clarification Regarding the Bid | 16.08.2023 Till 1400 Hrs. |
Purchase of tender | 17.08.2023 Till 1430 Hrs. |
Submission of Tender | 17.08.2023 Till 1800 Hrs |
Opening of bid | 17.08.2023 At 1830 Hrs. |
To Download Notice Inviting Tender NIT-05/2023-24 (Click here)
To Download Schedule of Rajasthan Premier League (RPL) (Click here)
For any clarification bidder may e-mail to : cricketoperations.rca@gmail.com
Account Number | 0221000102742845 |
Name of Bank | Punjab National Bank |
Branch Address | LCB, M.I. Road, Jaipur |
IFSC CODE | PUNB0022100 |
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of UPLOAD : 05-08-2023Due to unavoidable circumstances the timing for submission of Eligibility Documents & Financial Bid documents in separate envelope “A” and “B” has been extended by 2.00 hours. Now the tender will be submitted till 7.00 PM today on 05.08.2023.
To Download CORRIGENDUM NIT-03/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of UPLOAD : 02-08-2023Revised Time Line
Event | Previous Date | Revised Dates |
Last date for seeking clarifications | 31.07.2023 | 03.08.2023 |
Last date for purchasing the NIT by paying the Tender Fees | 02.08.2023 Till 2.00 PM | 04.08.2023 TILL 6.00 PM |
Date for submission of Eligibility Documents & Financial Bid documents in separate envelope “A” and “B” | 02.08.2023 Till 6.00 PM | 05.08.2023 Till 5.00 PM |
Opening of the Bid | 02.08.2023 At 6.30 PM | 05.08.2023 Till 5.30 PM |
To Download CORRIGENDUM NIT-03/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
CLARIFICATION Regarding NIT-04/2023-24
Date of Upload : 29-07-2023
RCA has received queries to clarify regarding the rights of Main Sponsor and its
It is clarified that the main RPL Sponsor will also be the rights of the Event
Management Company and the revenue of the same from will of the Event
Management Company. Considering the same they should give their bid offer.
To Download CLARIFICATION Regarding NIT-04/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of UPLOAD : 27-07-2023To Download Notice Inviting Tender NIT-03/2023-24 (UPDATED) (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
In respect to the registered office of the Bidder, the following clarification is provided:
The Franchisees must be a company registered in Rajasthan with whom the Agreement
will be made by RCA.
In case the Bidder is not registered company in Rajasthan ; it shall, within seven days of
award of the Franchisee ;
1. In case the bidder is a Company registered under Companies Act, it shall register a
subsidiary company in the State of Rajasthan owned/controlled by the bidder
2. In case the bidder is not a Company registered under Companies Act, It shall register
a Company in the State of Rajasthan which shall be owned and controlled by the
In both the above situations, the bidder who has met the eligibility criteria shall be fully
responsible to meet all the obligations as set out for the bidder.
To Download CLARIFICATION IN NIT NO. 03/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Date of Upload : 26-07-2023INVITATION TO TENDER
The Rajasthan Cricket Association (“RCA”) is a society registered under the
Rajasthan Sports Act, 2005. The BCCI is encouraging the respective states to
conduct their own cricket premier leagues and thus Rajasthan Cricket
Association (‘’RCA’’) is conducting the Rajasthan Premier League (RPL).
This NIT constitutes an invitation to tender the Bidders on the terms and
conditions set out in this NIT for organizing Rajasthan Premier League with 6
(Six) Franchises proposed to be introduced to take part in the League.
However, RCA reserves the right to choose the bid/tender, it deems the best
suitable. The decision of the RCA shall be final and the prospective bid/tender
can be rejected at any time without assigning any reason. Any Sports
Management Company (“Company” shall mean and include any person,
firm, LLP, Joint Venture Company, Partnership and Company
incorporated or its subsidiary thereof) may buy this NIT at the price of Rs.
50,000/- + GST (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only.) which shall be deposited
through Demand Draft/Transfer.
Subject to the successful award of the ‘Company', it is intended that RPL
shall be played under ‘Round Robin League Format’ comprise of 6 (six) teams
which will play each other during the course of each Season, culminating in
Play-off Matches to decide the winner, runner-up and third placed team in the
It is anticipated that the first Season will be played in August-2023. However,
RCA reserves the right to change the period/duration of any Season as it may
deem appropriate, at its sole discretion at any time and from time to time.
The term of the successful bidder shall be five seasons of RPL which includes
the current season, which is extendable for another term for three seasons at the
discretion of RCA, depending upon the work of the bidder. Any extension shall
be by way of the fresh agreement between the parties.
Certain important deadlines/ timelines in relation to this NIT are as follows:
Time Line
Event Dates | Dates |
Tender Issuance | 25.07.2023 |
Purchase of tender | 30.07.2023 Till 2:30 PM |
Submission of Tender | 30.07.2023 Till 6:00 PM |
Opening of bid | 30.07.2023 Till 6:30 PM |
To Download Notice Inviting Tender NIT-04/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
To Download Notice Inviting Tender NIT-03/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Dated of ADDENDUM 2 OF NIT-2/2023-24 Upload : 23.07.2023To Download the details of ADDENDUM - 2 of NIT-2/2023-24 (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Dated of ADDENDUM OF NIT-2/2023-24 Upload : 21.07.2023S.No. | Scope of Work | Managed by |
1 | Ground / Venue and maintenance for the tournament (covers, super soppers etc.) | RCA |
2 | Match Officials, ACU unit, Ground staff, Cricket balls | RCA |
3 | Slot Fee for a national Broadcaster | RCA |
4 | Floodlights, power supply (including generators with fuel) for operational requirements | RCA |
5 | Catering for RCA guests / invitees | RCA |
6 | Prize Money / Prizes for the Teams | RCA |
7 | Who will be identifying and appointing the Franchisee / Team Owners | RCA |
8 | Who will receive the Franchisee Fee from Team Owners/ Corporates | RCA |
9 | Officials & Support Staff expenses regarding stay, equipment, food, TA/DA & Transportation | RCA |
10 | Pre-tournament events such as player auction/draft/ press conference/ trophy unveiling (All ceremonial and other expenses to make is a mark-up will be borne by the Bidder) | RCA+Bidder |
11 | Legal Contracts and its execution with the Franchisees / Teams / Players any other entity. | RCA + Bidder |
12 | Score Board Expenses | RCA |
13 | Who will be responsible for day to day coordination with Teams , Players and Officials | RPL Committee |
14 | Who will be paying to the Team Players, Travel, Stay , insurance and all arrangements | Franchise |
15 | Arrangement and cost of Team Jersey , Kit, and Clothing for the Team Players , Coaches , Officials | Franchise |
16 | Playing Equipment for Players and Team | Franchise |
17 | Transportation and Logistics of the Players, Teams and Officials for the Matches | Franchise |
18 | Practice Expenses | Franchise |
19 | Additional back up for power supply and fuel and DG Set | Bidder |
20 | Broadcast production, LED’s, Big/Giant Screen. | Bidder |
21 | Internet, Wi-Fi, broadband, lease line, | Bidder |
22 | Security and Housekeeping. | Bidder |
23 | Medical Arrangements for Players, Support staff for Match days at the ground. | Bidder |
24 | All Permissions and Licenses from concerned authorities/ officials (RCA will help/assist in procuring these licenses) | Bidder |
25 | Tentage work | Bidder |
26 | Ticketing (40% tickets as complementary to RCA) | Bidder |
27 | CCTV | Bidder |
28 | Water Arrangements for spectators | Bidder |
29 | Signages | Bidder |
30 | Hoardings for publicity | Bidder |
31 | Fogging | Bidder |
32 | Hospitality for Teams & Officials | Bidder |
33 | Hospitality for VIP ticket holders | Bidder |
34 | Catering for Volunteers, Security and Police | Bidder |
35 | Media Arrangements | Bidder |
36 | Ambulance & Doctors arrangements | Bidder |
37 | Fire Fighter | Bidder |
38 | Parking Arrangements | Bidder |
39 | Arrangements for canteen | Bidder |
40 | PA System & Sound System | Bidder |
41 | Entertainment part during the match | Bidder |
42 | VIP Passes | RCA |
Apart from above please note the following points in relation to NIT published by RCA :-
1. Financial bid will be evaluated for a fixed fee per year with a increase in third year as per sum of WPI (Wholesale price index)
2. RCA will deploy additional security as per its requirements.
3. Proposed dates for matches will be start from third week of August, 2023
4. There shall be two bid envelope systems. The Technical bid in which the documents related to Technical Experience and related papers shall be given in First Envelope which should be marked as “TECHNICAL BID”. Further the financial offer shall be given in the format in second envelope marked as “FINANICAL BID”
5. The bid shall be submitted to RCA latest by 4.00 PM on 24th July, 2023 (Monday).
6. The rights and obligations of all the parties have been given in the separate table enclosed in this addendum. Any residual item if not included in the said sheet, shall be done by the event management company. All expenses/income frame these work will be of bidder.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Dated of 2nd CORRIGENDUM Upload : 17.07.2023
Revised Time Line
Event | Previous Date | Revised Dates as per 1st Corrigendum | Revised Dates as per 2nd Corrigendum |
Tender Issuance | 06.07.2023 | No-Change | No-Change |
Pre bid meeting (if applicable) | 10.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
Last Date for tender submission | 13.07.2023 | 18.07.2023 | 24.07.2023 |
Presentation/Discussion (if applicable) | 17.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 | 25.07.2023 |
Announcement of Selected Bidder | 17.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 | 25.07.2023 |
All other terms and conditions remains same.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket balls for the season 2023-24
Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in a sealed envelope as “Quotation – Cricket Balls” latest by 20th July, 2023 by 3.00 PM.
Estimated Quantity : 800 Balls/Month for season 2023-24
Sr. No. | Item |
1. | Club/Tournament Balls for Practice (Red & White) |
For more details (Click to - Download)
Suppliers are required to submit the sample balls mentioned without any marka/logo printed on the balls.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Dated of CORRIGENDUM Upload : 10.07.2023
Revised Time Line
Event | Previous Date | Revised Dates |
Tender Issuance | 06.07.2023 | No-Change |
Pre bid meeting (if applicable) | 10.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
Last Date for tender submission | 13.07.2023 | 18.07.2023 |
Presentation/Discussion (if applicable) | 17.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 |
Announcement of Selected Bidder | 17.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 |
For Revised TENDER DOCUMENT (Click here)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
The Rajasthan Cricket Association (“RCA”) is a society registered under the Rajasthan Sports Act, 2005. From the year 2023, the BCCI is encouraging the respective states to conduct their own cricket premier leagues and thus Rajasthan Cricket Association (‘’RCA’’) is organizing the Rajasthan Premier League (RPL) 2023. This ITT constitutes an invitation to tender to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this ITT, For Conducting Rajasthan Premier League- 2023 with 6 (Six) Franchises proposed to be introduced to take part in the League. However, RCA reserves to right to choose the bid/tender, it deems the best suitable. Decision of the RCA shall be final and the prospective bid/tender can be rejected at any time without assigning any reason. Subject to the successful award of the Sports Management Company, it is intended that RPL shall comprise of 6 (six) teams which will play each other during the course of each Season culminating in Play-off Matches under ‘Round Robin League Format’ to decide the winner, runner-up and third placed team in the League. It is anticipated that the first Season will be played in August-2023. However, RCA reserves the right to change the period/ duration of any Season as it may deem appropriate, at its sole discretion at any time and from time to time. Certain important deadlines/ timelines in relation to this ITT are as follows:
Time Line
Tender Issuance | 06.07.2023 |
Pre bid meeting (if applicable) | 10.07.2023 |
Last Date for tender submission | 13.07.2023 |
Presentation/Discussion (if applicable) | 17.07.2023 |
Announcement of Selected Bidder | 17.07.2023 |
For more details (Click to - Download)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket Clothing for its State Teams for the season 2023-24
Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in sealed envelope along with samples through courier or through its representative on 15.07.2023 at the office of Rajasthan Cricket Association.
For more details (Click to - Download)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 001/2023-24 (CORRIGENDUM - Extension of date of receiving of Tender )
Preparation of Playground & Construction of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium,
Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur
NIB No. : 001/2023-24 (CORRIGENDUM - Extension of date of receiving of Tender)
Dated of Upload : 10.05.2023
RECEIVING DATE for TENDER 001/2023-24 Preparation of PLAY GROUND & CONSTRUCTION of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium, Chonp, Ajmer –Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur with 02 years of O & M is up to 05.06.2023 till 3:00 PM. Now the said tender can be submitted by 06.06.2023 till 3:00PM. Technical bid will be opened at 06.06.2023 3:30 PM. Financial bid will be opened at 06.06.2023 5:00 PM
All other conditions of the tender remain same.
Name of Work | Preparation of PLAY GROUND & CONSTRUCTION of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium, Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur with 02 years of O & M (Corrigendum - Extension of date of receiving of Tender) |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENT :-
Corrigendum - Extension of date of receiving of Tender NIT-001/2023-24
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 001/2023-24
Preparation of Playground & Construction of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium, Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur
NIB No. : 001/2023-24
Dated of Upload : 10-05-2023
Rajasthan Cricket Association invites Bids in two bid system for the following works :
Name of Work | Preparation of PLAY GROUND & CONSTRUCTION of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium, Chonp, Ajmer –Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur with 02 years of O & M |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENT :-
Tender Notice 001/2023-24
Tender Document - Technical BID 001/2023-24
Tender Document - Financial BID 001/2023-24
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 002/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM - Tender Document Revised )
Item Rate Contract for Repair, Renovation and Maintenance work including Civil, Finishing & Interior, Electrical and Air Conditioning Works, Sanitary Works, Housekeeping and other Misc. Works at SMS Stadium, Jaipur
NIB No. : 002/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM - Tender Document Revised )
Dated of CORRIGENDUM-2 : 20.01.2023
Tender Document is revised of TENDER 002/2022-23 If any tenderer has submitted tender earlier, The tenderer is required to RE-SUBMIT submit tender as per recent corrigendum. Technical Bid will be opened on 27.01.2023 at 3:30PM.
Name of Work | Item Rate Contract for Repair, Renovation and Maintenance work including Civil, Finishing & Interior, Electrical and Air Conditioning Works, Sanitary Works, Housekeeping and other Misc. Works at SMS Stadium, Jaipur (Corrigendum - Revised Tender Document) |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENTS (CORRIGENDUM - Revised TENDER DOCUMENT) :-
Corrigendum (Revised Tender Document )NIT-002/2022-23
Corrigendum (Revised G-Schedule) NIT-002/2022-23
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 001/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM - Extension of date of receiving of Tender )
Preparation of Playground & Construction of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium,
Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur
NIB No. : 001/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM - Extension of date of receiving of Tender)
Dated of Upload : 12.01.2023
RECEIVING DATE for TENDER 001/2022-23 Preparation of Play ground & Construction of pitches in International cricket Stadium, Chonp is extended up to 30.01.2023 Now the said tender can be submitted by 30.01.2023 till 3:00PM. Technical Bid will be opened at 3:30PM on same day.
Name of Work | Preparation of Play ground & Construction of Pitchesin International Cricket Stadium , Chonp , Ajmer –Delhi Bye pass , Jaipur (Corrigendum - Extension of date of receiving of Tender) |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENTS (CORRIGENDUM - Date Extension) :-
Corrigendum (date extension)NIT-001/2022-23
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 002/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM)
Various Repairing & Development works in SMS Stadium
NIB No. : 002/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM)
Dated of CORRIGENDUM Upload : 22.12.2022
In Non BSR ITEMS (SCHEDULE H) item No. 3, Please read Quantity as 2500 Kg. and Rate Rs.30/- per Kg. The total amount of item remains same as Rs.-75,000/-
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 002/2022-23
Repairing & Development Work in SMS Stadium and Repairing and Replacing Seat Bucket
at SMS Stadium, Jaipur
NIB No. : 002/2022-23
Dated of Upload : 19.12.2022
Rajasthan Cricket Association invites Bids in two bid system for the following works :
Name of Work | 1 Various repairing & Development Work in SMS Stadium, Jaipur Rs 72 lacs 2 Repairing and Relacing Seat Bucket of Pavilion at SMS Stadium, Jaipur Rs 1.25 Cr |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENT :-
TENDER DOCUMENT 002/2022-23 Sr.No.01 Various Repairing and Development Work at SMS-Stadium
TENDER DOCUMENT 002/2022-23 Sr. No.02 TECHNICAL BID Repairing and Replacing Chairs of Pavilion SMS Stadium
TENDER DOCUMENT 002/2022-23 : Sr.No.02 FINANCIAL BID Repairing and Replacing Chairs of Pavilion SMS Stadium
TENDER DOCUMENT 002/2022-23 G-Schedule
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 001/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM)
Preparation of Playground & Construction of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium,
Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur
NIB No. : 001/2022-23 (CORRIGENDUM)
Dated of Upload : 10.12.2022
Sale of Tender document for TENDER 001/2022-23 Preparation of Play ground & Construction of pitches in International cricket Stadium, Chonp is extended up to 22.12.2022 with some corrections/changes in Bid document. Details which will be part of bidding can be down loaded from office website www.cricketrajasthan.in
Name of Work | Preparation of Play ground & Construction of Pitchesin International Cricket Stadium , Chonp , Ajmer –Delhi Bye pass , Jaipur (Corrigendum) |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENTS (CORRIGENDUM) :-
Corrigendum NIT-001/2022-23
Corrigendum Revised Notice NIT-001/2022-23
TENDER DOCUMENT 001/2022-23 Revised Technical Criteria
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Tender 001/2022-23
Preparation of Playground & Construction of Pitches in International Cricket Stadium,
Chonp, Ajmer – Delhi Bye pass, Jaipur
NIB No. : 001/2022-23
Dated of Upload : 05.12.2022
Rajasthan Cricket Association invites Bids in two bid system for the following works :
Name of Work | Preparation of Play ground & Construction of Pitchesin International Cricket Stadium , Chonp , Ajmer –Delhi Bye pass , Jaipur |
Bid Procedure | • Two Stage tender • 1st -Envelope Technical , • 2nd Envelop Financial |
Bid Evaluation Criteria (Selection Method) | L1 (eg. Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS)-L1) |
Bid application and payment * | The Bidder Can down load Bid Document from RCA web Site www.cricketrajasthan.in OR can be Purchased from RCA office • Bidding document fee: Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) • Requisite Bid Security Deposit |
Estimated Cost | • INR Rs 12 Cr |
Bid Security Deposit | • Amount (INR) : 2% (Rs 24.0 lacs ) in the form of DD |
Start/ End Date for Sale of Bid | • Start Date: 05.12.2022 from 10 AM onwards • End Date: 12.12 2022 upto 3.00 PM |
Physical Submission of Bid Start & Closing Date | Dt 29.12.2022 . up to 3.00 PM At RCA office , North Block , SMS Stadium, Jaipur-302005 (Rajasthan) In case EMD in from BG, Original Bank Guarantee is to be submitted |
Date/ Time/ Place of Technical Bid Opening | Dt 29.12.2022 at 03.30 pm At RCA office , North Block , SMS Stadium, Jaipur-302005 (Rajasthan) |
Date/ Time/ Place of Financial Bid Opening | • Dt 04.01.2023 At RCA office , North Block , SMS Stadium, Jaipur-302005 (Rajasthan) |
Bid Validity | • 120 days from the bid submission deadline |
Time Period | • 09 Months |
Please click on following LINKS for TENDER DOCUMENT :-
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Call for Quotation : GROUND EQUIPMENTS : Season 2022-23
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following ground equipment for District units :-
Dated of Upload : 20.08.2022
Interested manufacture, dealers, distributors may send their commercial proposals/quotation in sealed envelope as “Quotation – Ground Equipment” latest by 25th August, 2022 by 4.00 PM to Honorary Secretary, Rajasthan Cricket Association, North Pavilion, SMS Stadium, Jaipur – 302005
Sr. No. | Name of Item | Tentative Qty |
1. | Roller 1 Ton Single Drum | 17 |
2. | Roller Manual 500 KG | 7 |
3. | Pitch Cover (50x100 Feet) or (15.25x30.48 Meter) 320GSM | 4 |
4. | Pitch Cover (50x100 Feet) or (15.25x30.48 Meter) 200GSM | 19 |
5. | Pitch Cover (120x120 Feet) or (36.57x36.57 Meter) 320GSM | 2 |
6. | Pitch Cover (100x130 Feet) or (30.48 x 39.62 Meter) 320GSM | 1 |
7. | Pitch Cover (18x60 Feet) or (5.4x18.28 Meter) 320GSM | 10 |
8. | Grass Cutting Machine (Various Models) | 18 |
9. | Bowling Machine | 17 |
10. | 1 Ton Hydrostatic Roller | 1 |
11. | 2.5 Ton Big Diameter Roller, with power steering | 1 |
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Call for Quotation : CRICKET BALLS : Season 2022-23
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket balls :-
Date of Upload : July 30, 2022.
Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in a sealed envelope as “Quotation – Cricket Balls” latest by 6th August, 2022 by 3.00 PM.
Sr. No. | Item |
1. | Club/Tournament Balls for Practice (Red & White) |
2. | SG Test RED/WHITE |
3. | SG Tournament RED/WHITE |
4. | SG Test White (LE) RED/WHITE |
5. | Kookabura White Men |
6. | Kookabura White Women |
Suppliers are required to submit the sample balls mentioned in Sr. No. 1 without any marka/logo printed on the balls.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket Clothing for its State Teams for the season 2022-23
• The quantity mentioned above may be increased or decreased as per the tournament. • The material should be supplied within 10 days of the order placed.
Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in sealed envelope along with samples through courier or through its representative by 2.00 PM of 6thAugust, 2022 at the office of Rajasthan Cricket Association.
For more details (Click to - Download)
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701, 2940702, 2940703
Invitation of Expression of Interest (EoI) for Development, operations and maintenance of International Cricket Stadium at Udaipur On Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBOFT) Basis
RCA has identified Udaipur, for development of a Cricket Stadium of International Standards along with ancillary facilities to support self-sustainable development. To meet this objective, RCA wishes to invite Investors who can develop the Stadium with their own resources on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) model.
For more details please download the link :- Document Link for EoI to develop the Cricket Stadium at Udaipur on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) model.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
Last Date Extension for Quotation : Cricketing ASTRO-TURF : June 23, 2022
There is an ASTRO-TURF deployed at indoor academy of RCA Academy, SMS Stadium, Jaipur. Size of the existing ASTRO-TURF is about 76’x133’(approx.).
Rajasthan Cricket Association intends to renovate the indoor academy. Interested vendors & applicators of same field of good reputation may visit the site between 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM on working days and send their competitive detailed quotation with sample of various cricket specific turf material on or before the EXETENDED DATE 3:00 PM JUNE 23, 2022 instead May 21, 2022 to Honorary Secretary, Rajasthan Cricket Association, North Pavilion, SMS Stadium, Jaipur - 302005.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
Call for Quotation : CRICKET BALLS
Rajasthan Cricket Association intend to purchase the following Cricket balls :-
Interested dealers, distributors or manufacturers may send their commercial proposals/quotation in a sealed envelope as “Quotation – Cricket Balls” latest by 20th June, 2022 by 3.00 PM.
Sr. No. | Item |
1. | Club/Tournament Balls for Practice (Red & White) |
2. | SG Test RED/WHITE |
3. | SG Tournament RED/WHITE |
4. | SG Test White (LE) RED/WHITE |
5. | Kookabura White Men |
6. | Kookabura White Women |
Suppliers are required to submit the sample balls mentioned in Sr. No. 1 without any marka/logo printed on the balls.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
Invitation of Expression of Interest (EoI) for Transaction Advisory for Monetization of International Cricket Stadium at Jaipur
RCA proposes to invite Expression of Interest (“EOI”) from interested organisations(applicants) with coordination of activities related to monetisation. The primary objective of EOI is to obtain interest, suggestions and assess the experience/ability of the organisation from project monetisation or similar background and also incorporate best practices for revenue generation and proper utilisation of the facilities.
For more details please download the link :- Document Link for EoI Transaction Advisory for Monetization of International Cricket Stadium at Jaipur
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
Call for Quotation : Cricketing ASTRO-TURF
There is an ASTRO-TURF deployed at indoor academy of RCA Academy, SMS Stadium, Jaipur. Size of the existing ASTRO-TURF is about 76’x133’(approx.).
Rajasthan Cricket Association intends to renovate the indoor academy. Interested vendors & applicators of same field of good reputation may visit the site between 11:30 AM to 5:00 PM on working days and send their competitive detailed quotation with sample of various cricket specific turf material on or before 3:00 PM May 21, 2022 to Honorary Secretary, Rajasthan Cricket Association, North Pavilion, SMS Stadium, Jaipur - 302005.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
Transportation Services : Quotations for hiring of various Vehicles on rent
Rajasthan Cricket Association invites quotations for hiring of various Vehicles (Transportation services on rental basis) for the Domestic, National and International Cricket Matches and other day to day use of RCA Office..
Sr. No. | Name of Vehicles | Sector | Rate | 1 | Etios/Dzire A/C | Full Day Package |
Etios/Dzire Non A/C | Full Day Package | ||
Etios/Dzire A/C | Pickup/Drop | ||
Etios/Dzire Non (AC) | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
2 | Innova/XUV 500 AC | Full Day Package | |
Innova/XUV 500 Non AC | Full Day Package | ||
Innova/XUV 500 AC | Pickup/Drop | ||
Innova/XUV 500 AC | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
3 | INNOVA Crista AC | Full Day Package | |
INNOVA Crista Non-AC | Full Day Package | ||
INNOVA Crista AC | Pickup/Drop | ||
INNOVA Crista AC | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
4 | Fortune or equivalent AC | Full Day Package | |
Fortune or equivalent Non-AC | Full Day Package | ||
Fortune or equivalent AC | Pickup/Drop | ||
Fortune or equivalent AC | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
5 | 30 Seater Bus AC | Full Day Package | |
30 Seater Bus Non-AC | Full Day Package | ||
30 Seater Bus AC | Pickup/Drop | ||
30 Seater Bus AC | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
6 | 45 Seater Bus AC | Full Day Package | |
45 Seater Bus Non-AC | Full Day Package | ||
45 Seater Bus AC | Pickup/Drop | ||
45 Seater Bus AC | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
7 | Loader | Full Day Package | |
Loader | Pickup/Drop | ||
Loader | Outstation | ||
Night Charges | |||
Interested Companies/Vendor may send their commercial proposals/quotation in a sealed envelope latest by 1st April, 2022 by 3.00 PM at the Office of Rajasthan Cricket Association, North Pavilion, Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Jaipur.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701
RAJASTHAN CRICKET ASSOCIATION invites Quotations for Paid Parking, Outstadia Advertisement and Concessions Stalls of T-20 International INDIA v/s New Zealand
Rajasthan Cricket Association invites quotations for various works of Paid Parking, Outstadia Advertisement and Concessions Stalls for the match, from reputed agencies of similar experience. Interested parties/agencies may submit their bids/proposals before 31st October 2021 at 04:00 PM at RCA Office. at SMS Stadium, Jaipur for upcoming T-20 International INDIA v/s New Zealand Match to be played on 17th November 2021.
Hony. Secretary
Rajasthan Cricket Association North Pavilion Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Near Ambedkar Circle, Jaipur - 302005 Ph : 0141-2940700, 2940701